How to send messages using SMPP api

It's possible to send messages using the standard SMPP mechanics, according to SMPP spec.

Our smpp applications are reachable at url: using specific ports shared during integration phase to our customers.

Each customer can open a maximum of 5 binds per port (for us each port is a different route, according to the type of message that customers are willing to send).

We support every kind of bind request (transmitter tx, receiver rx, and transceiver trx) and commands as listed below:

SMPP Command Command Description
bind_transmitter bind that allows to send submit_sm commands
bind_receiver bind that allows to receive deliver_sm commands
bind_transceiver bind that allows both submit_sm and deliver_sm commands
submit_sm command used to send a message
deliver_sm command used to receive a delivery report or MO
enquire_link command available with every bind type

It's advised to send enquire_link commands at least every 30 seconds, after not receiving them for one hour, we will close the connection,

Our smpp connectivity is available under TLS protocol specification; you can download our certificates using our domain





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