Rate limit in sending messages

Digital Media Bridge assigns to each customer a specific sms send rate limit; this limit is defined as numer of messages / time interval.
Customers can submit messages until rate limit is reached.
If user rate limit is reached, Mediariver will reject every message in request with http 429 status code.


Limit examples Requests in interval
100/sec User can send 100 different requests for a single sms in a second.
User can send multiple requests for multiple sms (until 100 sms is reached) in a second
1000/5sec User can send 1000 different request for a single sms in 5 seconds.
User can send multiple requests for multiple sms (until 1000 sms is reached) in 5 seconds. 


Digital Media Bridge adds those HTTP headers in every response:

RateLimit-Retry-After how long the client should wait before making a new request (ms).
RateLimit-Limit allowed number of messages in time interval.
RateLimit-Remaining remaining messages in current time interval.
RateLimit-Reset next time interval reset date.



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