How to send messages using HTTP api

To send a message you must submit a request to

Every request sent to MUST be authenticated using Basic HTTP Authentication Scheme, as defined by RFC 7617 standard; only users enabled by digital media bridge can send messages.

/send API accepts json POST body requests containing the following elements:

Name Type Format Description Required
messages array json messages list YES
recipients array string recipients list YES
quality text string message quality YES
message text string message text YES
sender text string message alias (only for high quality)  NO
uuid text string message unique identifier NO


recipients elements must be in E.164 format (eg. +3912345678).
quality must be one of: H (high quality), S (standard quality), A (message with answers).
message max length: 640 characters (using GSM 7 extended alphabet or unicode format). Depending on country, carrier and recipient device the message could be delivered splitted in multiple messages. Differente devices can support up to different messages length. Support for concatenated message is only on High Quality routes. A concatenated message sent in Standard Quality will probably be splitted and delivered in random order.
sender max length 11 characters for alphanumeric aliases, 16 characters for numeric aliases.
uuid only needed for customer purposes.