HTTP api responses

Our application always sends a Json response containing information about the submitted request.
In the event of a successful operation, response is as follows:

    "total_queued": 2,
    "total_parts": 4,
    "details": [{
        "uuid": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
        "customer_uuid": "xxxx-yyyy-zzzz",
        "queued": 2,
        "parts": 4,
        "quality": "H"


Response elements details:

Name Type Format Description Always present
total_queued number integer total successfully queued messages YES
total_parts number integer total SMSs used to send all messages  NO
details array json details of every 'message' array present in request  YES
uuid text string unique id generated by our platform YES
customer_uuid text string 'uuid' element present in request NO
queued number integer total successfully queued messages for this 'message' array YES
parts number integer total SMSs used to send all messages for this 'message' array NO
quality text string messages quality YES

and parts will be present in response body only if the request contains at least one concatenated SMS (message text length > 160 characters).
details will contain one element for each 'message' element present in request body.
customer_uuid will be present only if element 'uuid' is present in request body.

In the event of a unsuccessful operation, mediariver will reject every message in the request and will reply with a http 400 status (429 in the event of too many requests per time interval) and a json body as follows:

  "errors": [
      "location": "/messages/0/quality",
      "message": "should be equal to one of the allowed values"

errors array contains one element for each request's error.
location element contains the wrong element position in request.
message element contains the error description.

HTTP authorization specific errors (no location will be provided):
'No credentials provided'
'Credentials rejected'