Receiving MO AND answers

Digital Media Bridge can deliver MO sms and answers to sms sent with quality 'A' (that can receive answers from recipients) to customers.

To receive MO sms and answers customers must provide an HTTPS url.
Once Digital Media Bridge receive an MO ora an answer from any recipient, it will forward it at the provided url.

Request will be done using POST method; request contains a JSON formatted body as below:

    "msisdn": "+39111222333",
    "text": "answer from recipient",
    "date": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS",
    "uuid": "xxxx-yyyy-zzzz"

msisdn is the original recipient number.
text is the received answer.
date is the date of the answer.
uuid is the unique message identifier generated by mediariver; if the MO is an answer to a SMS sent by the Digital Media Bridge platform, the uuis is the unique message identifier provided by the customer when sending the message, or the one generated by Digital Media Bridge if not provided by the customer.